My page
We need your help and ask you to use the My page as much as you can when you contact us about support cases. Customer Portal is available for those who have service agreement (SA). Forgot your account information or missing account, please contact us by phone or email.
Service agreement
If you have signed a support and service agreement for your licenses, you will receive free support for the products.
Conversion projects
We are happy to assist you during various types of conversion projects, for example, if you need insert data from another environment into the Master Concept environment.
Application consulting
Based on your specific conditions our consultants can give you tips and advice on how you can optimize the system in order for you to take advantage of the system in best possible way. Our consultants are experts at finding solutions to different kind of problems and they can help you with suggestions for different types of improvements. They can also help you during administration of new forms or creation of new symbols.
Ides software is easy to install. Installations can therefore often be done by you, while more advanced network installations with many users require assistance from our experienced systems experts.
We have the ability to customize the installation so that it is tailored to your needs and conditions.